The agency has to have at least have a principal agent and two or more agents to start a GA agency.
- Every GA has the ability to recruit, contract, and set commission schedules and hierarchy structures for each downline agent
- Some carriers (like Manhattan for instance) provides contracting links for GA’s to use to contract downline agents (we do not have access to those links)
- Some carriers (such as Aetna, Cigna, Wellabe, etc) use the SureancBay system and again only you will have a login with which set commission schedules and send out contracting links (if we send out our links, the agent will be contracted directly with us and at the commission schedules we set)
- Our Contracting department is still handling all of the Contracting back-office support. In addition, you can work directly with APL Contracting for things like agent status (we also have a dedicated rep at Manhattan).
Keep in mind, this is how GA’s work in the brokerage environment (where everyone, and all levels are paid directly by the carrier). It is different from the LOA model. So for example, if you are LOA with your Medicare upline, they would probably handle it differently.